
NaPoWriMo 1/30

Picture of draft #1, as I sit in a bar, trying to process and write a paper.

Notes: this year I'm playing NaPoWriMo as I can. You may get pictures, full-fledged posts, baby duckling posts, willow branch posts. Some iteration of activity. There are thoughts of things that may lead to a fully formed project, but there are also things that real life forces. If you're up for it follow along. Gentle with ourselves this NaPoWriMo, ya'll.


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-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

NaPoWriMoe, Curly.

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

...and Im even a Catholic!!!
Puh-ray-zuh Gawwd!!!

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

Oh, gosh!
Gotta gobba lotta weeerdo wurdz
which you have seen since I posted
back o'er six months ago, me wee lassy
(yes, dear, Im half Irish).
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